Quality Algae from Sea to Consumer
ALGET 2 – ALGae EnTrepreneurs (2019-2021) is a project with the objective to achieve a strengthened network for the macroalgae SMEs in the North Atlantic region. Focus is on improved quality assurance from sea to consumer. This covers both wild harvested and cultivated seaweed which is used for food and cosmetics/skin care products, or as ingredients in the pertaining industries.
ALGET 2 is initiated and lead by Norges Vel. It is funded by NORA and the Norwegian county authorities Vestland and Møre & Romsdal. The project’s objective is to ensure quality and food safety of sustainable, nutritional food products based on macroalgae, thus contributing to increased business development and sustainable jobs in coastal areas.
Our goals are strengthened competence in sustainable and quality harvesting, processing and product development. In addition we aim to increase knowledge about market demands within the food- and cosmetics/skin care industries, based on macroalgae as product or ingredient in products.
Target group
Our target group is small and medium size entrepreneurs basing their operations on wild harvested and cultivated macroalgae, and located in the Faroe Islands, Iceland and along the west coast of Norway.
Our methods are collaboration, knowledge sharing and support for business development. We carry out workshops and webinars throughout the three-year period of ALGET 2, inviting experts and key players in innovative and recent R&D projects as well as other entrepreneurs within harvesting and cultivation of seaweed in the region.
Collaboration and knowledge sharing
In addition, relevant key players in the food and cosmetic/skin care industry, producers, retail sector and other market players are invited to share their knowledge and experience with us for common development of the new macroalgae industry.
We also collaborate and learn from our other neighbouring countries in the North Atlantic, such as Ireland, Scotland, Greenland and mainland-Denmark. Furthermore, the workshops and webinars are important meeting places connecting the food safety authorities as well as other players from the public and private sectors to our target group.
Common quality guidelines
Common quality guidelines for harvesting and processing shall contribute to further competitiveness also for SMEs with products based on wild harvested as well as cultivated seaweed in the North Atlantic. Low quality products from a few SMEs can destroy the industry being built up. The guidelines are developed based on experience exchange, R&D and common documentation of best practices.
Organisation and participating companies
Nordic Steering Committee
Turi-Britt Kuepers, Norges Vel
Leader of the Steering Group & Secretary
Þóra Valsdóttir, Matis
Agnes Mols Mortensen, Tari-Faroe Seaweed
Nordic Project Manager
Turi-Britt Kuepers
Participants in the project
Faroe Islands
Agnes Mols Mortensen, Tari-Faroe Seaweed
Ólavur Gregersen, Ocean Rainforest
Gunnvør á Norði, Fiskaaling
Þóra Valsdóttir, Matis
Gudrun Marteinsdottir, Taramar
Hörður G. Kristinsson, UNA Skincare
Simon Sturluson, Islensk Blaskel
Bjarni Bjarnason, Hyndla
Turi-Britt Kuepers, Norges Vel
Thorleif Thormodsen, Alginor
Runar Trellevik, Tekslo Seafood
Øyvind Grøvdal, Naustet Umare
Angelita Eriksen, Lofoten Seaweed Company