Requesting Tenders in Tilapia Farming

Fish ponds for Tilapia farming in Mozambique

Procurement of Technical Assistance Services for Developing the Tilapia Aquaculture Sector in Chokwe – Gaza province, Mozambique

The Royal Norwegian Society for Development (Norges Vel) is requesting Tenders for contracting Technical Assistance services in Tilapia Aquaculture for two ongoing projects divided in 3 Work Packages (WP 1-3).

a) The development of the Centre for Aquaculture Research 2020-2024 (Centro de Pesquisa em Aquacultura - CEPAQ) in Chokwe covering Genetic enhancement (WP1), and Hatchery development, Grow-out Demonstration and Training (WP2).

b) Scaling up Profitable Aquaculture in Mozambique 2020-2023 (through the Aquaculture Incubator in Chokwe, IAC) covering Profitable Tilapia Grow-out to Sales for Trainees, Commercial Entrepreneurs and Sustainability of the IAC (WP3).

The Tenderers must possess competence in profitable, hands-on tilapia farming in a development context; strategic, management and pedagogic competence; and competence in genetic enhancement for WP1.

Sufficient competence in English (written and spoken) is required for all WPs and sufficient competence in Portuguese (written and spoken) is required for WP1 and WP2 and preferred for WP3.

For further information and requirement of the Tender Documents can be requested from with subject: Mozambique Aquaculture Sector Development – TASA 2020-2023/2024.

Deadline for submission: NEW DATE 11th of May 2020 at 20:00 hours, Norwegian time (GMT+1)

The projects are financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Agreements with The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

MOZ_Agreement MFA-NV_CEPAQ-project

MOZ_Agreement MFA-NV_IAC-project

MOZ TASA 2020-2023_2024_Questions-Answers_27_04_2020

Leif-Arne Kristiansen